For the latest information on supported hardware visit the following URL:
■ Each of the coordinator disks must use a physically separate disk or LUN.
Symantecrecommends usingthesmallest possibleLUNs forcoordinator disks.
■ Eachof thecoordinator disksshould existon adifferent diskarray, ifpossible.
■ The coordinator disks must support SCSI-3 persistent reservations.
■ Symantecrecommends usinghardware-basedmirroring forcoordinator disks.
■ Coordinator disks must not be used to store data or must not be included in
disk groups that store user data.
■ Coordinator disks cannot be the special devices that array vendors use. For
example, you cannot use EMC gatekeeper devices as coordinator disks.
The I/O fencing configuration files include:
You must create this file to include the coordinator disk
group information.
You must set the I/O fencing mode to SCSI-3.
You can configure the vxfen module to use either DMP
devices or the underlying raw character devices. Note that
you must use the same SCSI-3 disk policy on all the nodes.
TheSCSI-3 diskpolicycan eitherberawor dmp.Thepolicy
is rawby default. If youuse iSCSI devices,you must set the
disk policy as dmp.
91Configuring VCS clusters for data integrity
About setting up disk-based I/O fencing