Corrective Maintenance
CSA 803C Service Manual
Observe the following precautions to avoid damage:
H Minimize handling of staticĆsensitive components.
H Transport and store staticĆsensitive components or assemblies in their
original containers, antiĆstatic tube rail, or conductive foam. Label any
package that contains staticĆsensitive assemblies or components.
H Discharge the static voltage from your body by wearing a wrist strap
while handling these components. Servicing staticĆsensitive assemblies
or components should be performed only at a staticĆfree work station by
qualified service personnel. We recommend using the static control mat,
Refer to Table 4Ć2 for the part numbers of these test equipment.
H Keep the work station surface free of anything that can generate or hold
a static charge.
H Keep the component leads shorted together whenever possible by
storing them in conductive foam or rails.
H Pick up components by the body, never by the leads.
H Do not slide the components over any surface.
H Avoid handling components in areas that have a floor or workĆsurface
covering that can generate a static charge.