Performance Tests
Performance Verification
ăStep 14:ăDefine the first trace as follows:
Def Tra icon touch.............................................
Identify Channel (1) touch...................................
Select Enter Desc touch....................................
Note that Trace 1 has been selected at the base of the screen (just
above M1 Main).
ăStep 15:ăDefine the second trace as follows:
Def Tra icon touch.............................................
Identify Channel (2) touch...................................
Select Enter Desc touch....................................
Note that Trace 2 has now been selected at the base of the screen (just
above M2 Main).
ăStep 16:ăRepeat steps 5 through 12.
ăStep 17:ăPower down the CSA 803C.
Setup to Check Offset Accuracy
CSA 803C
Calibration Head
Prec. Voltage Source
50 W Coaxial Cable
Procedure to Check Offset Accuracy
ăStep 1:ăThis second vertical accuracy test uses the same setup prelimiĆ
naries as the previous test. The Calibration Head/Time Base error will
only reĆappear if you have activated powerĆup diagnostics. If so, exit
diagnostics and, in either case, continue from here.
ăStep 2:ăInitialize the mainframe as follows:
UTILITY button press...........................................
Initialize (in major menu) touch..............................
Initialize (in verification popĆup menu) touch..................