CSA 803C Service Manual
Diagnostic Troubleshooting
This section provides the information necessary to troubleshoot a faulty
CSA 803A to the field replaceable unit (FRU) level. In most cases a FRU is a
circuit board. The primary means for troubleshooting is to use the error
index code output from the Kernel diagnostics and crossĆreference it to the
suspect circuit boards in the following tables, or to use the builtĆin FRU help
function available in Extended Diagnostics. In addition, conventional troubleĆ
shooting techniques are described at the end of this section to help identify
a faulty A4 Regulator board, CRT, Power Supply module, A13 Mother board,
or A8 CRT Driver board.
Each subsystem processor (Executive, Display, Time Base, and Acquisition)
executes a set of Kernel diagnostics prior to the SelfĆTest diagnostics. After
the Acquisition processor has verified its support circuitry, it tries to establish
communication with the Time Base processor. After the Time Base procesĆ
sor has verified its critical support circuitry, and after it has attempted to
communicate with the Acquisition processor, the Time Base processor
attempts to communicate with the Executive processor. Likewise, the DisĆ
play processor attempts to communicate with the Executive processor after
successfully executing its Kernel diagnostics.
After a processor has successfully completed its Kernel diagnostics and
established communications with the next order processor (for example,
AcquisitionĆtoĆTime Base and Time BaseĆtoĆExecutive), then SelfĆTest diagĆ
nostics execute to verify the more global functionality of the processor's
hardware system. After all the SelfĆTest diagnostics are executed, any failĆ
ures cause the CSA 803C to enter Extended Diagnostics and to display the
error index codes in a diagnostic menu. Extended diagnostics contains tests
which are a superset of the SelfĆTest.
The Kernel diagnostics (lowĆlevel SelfĆTest diagnostics) and SelfĆTest/ExĆ
tended Diagnostics produce and format error index codes differently, so
they are covered separately. Kernel diagnostics error index codes for each
subsystem are produced and read quite differently from each other.
Note that some of these tests that may indicate faulty FRU(s) are not
executed automatically during the SelfĆTest diagnostics (that is, some errors
codes are only generated by manually selecting tests or Extended DiagnosĆ
Diagnostics Overview