Diagnostic Troubleshooting
CSA 803C Service Manual
Upon exiting this menu, the instrument returns to the same menu level
(that is, Subsystem, Block, Area, or Routine) that it was at before the
help function was invoked. However, the displayed menu may be differĆ
ent if any scanning was performed.
H (-)Delete Ċ places an execution mark on the currently selected menu
name (in the upper menu area) and all items beneath it, down to the
Routine level. This inhibits the actual execution of these routines, when
(r)Run is invoked.
Visually, execution marks are displayed on the screen as an asterisk (*)
immediately to the left of the menu name (in the upper menu area). If
one, but not all, menu names in a menu are marked with an asterisk,
then the name of the menu at the next highest level (that is, from Area to
Block) is preceded by an execution mark of a minus (-).
H (+)Add Ċ removes the execution mark, if present, on the currently
selected menu name and all execution marks on items (that is, blocks,
areas, or routines) below the currently selected menu name (down to
the Routine level). The execution mark, if present, will change from an
asterisk (*) or minus (-) to a space.
H (D)Debugger Ċ normally cannot be selected and is used by qualified
service personnel only.
H E(Exit) Ċ terminates Extended Diagnostics and returns the instrument
to normal operating mode, but only if this selector is touched twice in
succession. The first touch causes a confirmation prompt to appear at
the top of the screen; the second touch causes the actual termination of
the Extended Diagnostics.
H (p)Loop Ċ toggles On and Off. When On, the selected test(s) is
executed continuously with the number of iterations displayed.
H (t)Terse Ċ toggles On and Off. When On, tests in the loop mode
execute at the fastest rate, but the iteration (i.e. Loop) readout is not
updated until the test is stopped (by touching the screen or a button).
H (x)All Ċ toggles On and Off. When On, all tests in the current menu are
selected to execute when started.
H (s)Stop on Err Ċ toggles On and Off. When On, testing stops after the
first failed test completes.
H (r)Run/(q)Quit Ċ starts or stops the currently selected tests.