
Operating Information
CSA 803C Service Manual
If the instrument is to be shipped for long distances by commercial transĆ
portation, it should be packaged in the original manner. The carton and
packaging material in which your instrument was shipped should be saved
and used for this purpose.
Also, if the instrument is to be shipped to a Tektronix service center for
service or repair, attach a tag to the instrument showing the following:
H owner of the instrument (with address)
H name of person to contact at your firm
H complete instrument type and serial number
H if possible, furnish complete system firmware versions as displayed in
the Instrument Options popĆup menu selected from the UTILITY major
H a description of the service required
If the original packaging is unfit for use or not available, package the instruĆ
ment as follows:
ăStep 1:ăObtain a corrugated cardboard shipping carton with a
375Ćpound test strength and having inside dimensions at least six inĆ
ches greater than the instrument dimensions. This allows for cushioning.
ăStep 2:ăWrap the instrument with polyethylene sheeting or equivalent
material to protect the finish.
ăStep 3:ăCushion the instrument on all sides by tightly packing dunnage
or urethane foam between the carton and the instrument, allowing three
inches on each side.
ăStep 4:ăSeal the carton with shipping tape or with an industrial stapler.
ăStep 5:ăMark the address of your local Tektronix service center and your
return address on the carton in one or more prominent locations.
Packaging for