Wiring Guidelines for Warm Home- Single Family Dwellings Version V3.0WH
not leave longer pieces straight and untwisted. This will ensure maximum data rates
and minimize interference.
• When running outlet cable (four pair, 24 GA CAT-5e minimum) from multimedia outlets
to your wiring distribution location (DD), ensure each run is a home run (that means a
single direct unbroken cable length). No daisy chaining. This may be referred to as
Star Topology or Star Wiring. (see Diagram 2 and 3)
• Again we recommend a minimum of two cable runs (ie. two separate 4-pair
cables) to each MO to provision for future growth or upgrade of MO faceplate.
• Keep cable runs direct and unbroken between MO and distribution device (DD).
Although it may be tempting to splice two short lengths together to economize on cable
costs, doing so will cause interference, limit flexibility and degrade network
• Place outlets prior to cladding the wall.
• If possible, protect terminations with plastic bags tied on at both MO and DD cable
ends, prior to completing drywall and painting.
• Coloured jacks for installation into MO may be a useful option for identifying services
eg. black for LAN/internet or white for phone.
5.4.2 Cable Or Wiring Tips
• Do not pull communications and data cables through holes occupied by electrical
• maximum run length is 90m.
• Cables that cross should be at 90 degrees to each other.
• Do not exert > 25lbs of pulling force on 4-pairs (CAT-5e and 6).
• Do not splice wires on runs – pull another if things go wrong.
• Where required, secure the cable every 600 mm, (24") with a round staple designed for
the wire. Do not pinch the wire.
• Use plastic non-metallic staples to support wire and leave the wire loose in the staples.
Do not drive staples all the way in as microbends in the copper reduce transmission
• Avoid sharp edges and turns and do not kink the cable, minimum bend radii is 10 x
diameter of cable for CAT-5e, 2.5 inch for co-ax RG-6. If a staple pierces the cable, the
entire length of cable must be replaced to prevent transmission problems. Where sheet
metal framing is used, install grommets to protect the cable from the sharp metal
• When drilling through floor joists, ensure that the structural integrity is not being
jeopardized. For example, prefabricated joists may have manufacturers’
specification/location for drilling holes. Check with your design engineer/manufacturer
or building inspector.
• Leave at least 30 cm, (12") of excess cable at the outlet end.
TELUS Communications Inc. (c) 2006-9-22 Page 17