
Wiring Guidelines for Warm Home- Single Family Dwellings Version V3.0WH
For new homes consider using conduit to allow for easy pulling of future wiring.
Exterior cabling must use exterior grade cable.
Do not kick cabling under baseboards, cabling is loose and can become snagged and
damaged. Attaching to baseboards is ok.
5.4.3 DD Tips
Leave a minimum of 1.5m excess on all cable runs at the DD.
At a minimum, install two cable runs (communications and data) from your (DD) to the
TELUS demarcation point and NIB when required.
TELUS recommends IDC style strips or blocks and jumpers/patchcords required for
It is critical to ensure all pairs have the correct twist ratios maintained right up to the
IDC strip or block terminations. Do not leave longer pieces straight and untwisted. This
will ensure maximum data rates and minimize interference.
TELUS Communications Inc. (c) 2006-9-22 Page 18