Reelmaster 3100−D Page 5 − 27 Electrical Systems (Rev. C)
Cutting Unit Operating Problems
The cutting units will not run with the transport mow
switch in MOW and the reel on/off switch in ON with
the cutting units lowered.
Wiring to the reel drive circuit is (see Electrical
Schematics) is loose, corroded, or damaged.
Fuse F4 is faulty or blown.
The coil to solenoid valve S1 on the hydraulic manifold
is faulty or the valve is stuck.
The reels on/off is faulty. The reels up limit or
transport/mow switch is faulty or misadjusted.
There is insufficient hydraulic oil pressure to turn the
reels (see Troubleshooting in Chapter − 4, Hydraulic
The cutting units run, but should not run when raised. The coil to solenoid valve S1 on the hydraulic manifold
is faulty or the valve is stuck.
The reels up limit switch is stuck, faulty, or