Reelmaster 3100−D Page 3 − 5 Kubota Diesel Engine
Fill Fuel Tank
Because diesel fuel is highly flammable, use cau-
tion when storing or handling it. Do not smoke
while filling the fuel tank. Do not fill fuel tank
while engine is running, hot, or when machine is
in an enclosed area. Always fill fuel tank outside
and wipe up any spilled diesel fuel before start-
ing the engine. Store fuel in a clean, safety−ap-
proved container and keep cap in place. Use die-
sel fuel for the engine only; not for any other pur-
IMPORTANT: Use No, 2 diesel fuel only for the en-
gine. The fuel tank capacity is about 7.5 gallons
(28.4 l).
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake, and remove key
from the ignition switch.
2. Clean area around the fuel tank cap. Remove cap
from the tank.
Figure 3
1. Fuel tank cap 2. Fuel tank filler neck
3. Fill fuel tank to the bottom of the filler neck. Do not
overfill. Install cap to the neck.
4. Wipe up any fuel that may have spilled to prevent a
fire hazard.
Check Cooling System
The cooling system is filled with a 50/50 solution of water
and permanent ethylene glycol anti−freeze. Check level
of coolant at the beginning of each day before starting
the engine. System capacity is about 6 quarts (5.7 l) with
1 quart (0.9 l) reservoir.
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake, and remove key
from the ignition switch.
If engine has been running, pressurized hot cool-
ant can escape when the radiator cap is removed
and cause burns. Open radiator cap only when
the radiator and engine are cold (Fig. 4).
2. Check level of coolant in the expansion tank. Coolant
level should be between the marks on the side of tank.
3. If coolant level is low, remove expansion tank cap
and replenish the system. Do not overfill.
4. Install expansion tank cap.
Figure 4
1. Radiator cap
2. Radiator
3. Oil cooler
Figure 5
1. Expansion tank 2. Cap
Kubota Diesel