Reelmaster 3100−D Page 3 − 9 Kubota Diesel Engine
Bleed Fuel System
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, and engage parking brake.
2. Make sure fuel tank is at least half full. Gain access
to the engine.
Because diesel fuel is highly flammable, use cau-
tion when storing or handling it. Do not smoke
while filling the fuel tank. Do not fill fuel tank
while engine is running, hot, or when machine is
in an enclosed area. Always fill fuel tank outside
and wipe up any spilled diesel fuel before start-
ing the engine. Store fuel in a clean, safety−ap-
proved container and keep cap in place. Use die-
sel fuel for the engine only; not for any other pur-
3. Open air bleed screw on the fuel injection pump.
IMPORTANT: The engine should normally start af-
ter the above bleeding procedures are followed.
However, if the engine does not start, air may be
trapped between injection pump and injectors (see
Bleed Air from Fuel Injectors).
Figure 13
1. Air bleed screw 2. Injection pump
4. Turn key in ignition switch to the ON position. The
electric fuel pump will begin operation and force air out
around the air bleed screw. Leave key in the ON position
until a solid stream of fuel flows out around the air bleed
screw. Tighten screw and turn key to OFF.
Bleed Air from Fuel Injectors
IMPORTANT: This procedure should be used only if
the fuel system has been purged of air through nor-
mal priming procedures (see Bleed Fuel System)
and engine will not start.
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, and engage parking brake.
Because diesel fuel is highly flammable, use cau-
tion when storing or handling it. Do not smoke
while filling the fuel tank. Do not fill fuel tank
while engine is running, hot, or when machine is
in an enclosed area. Always fill fuel tank outside
and wipe up any spilled diesel fuel before start-
ing the engine. Store fuel in a clean, safety−ap-
proved container and keep cap in place. Use die-
sel fuel for the engine only; not for any other pur-
2. Loosen pipe connection to the No. 1 injector nozzle
and holder assembly.
Figure 14
1. No. 1 injector nozzle
2. No. 2 injector (behind
3. No. 3 injector nozzle
3. Move throttle to FAST position.
4. Turn ignition switch to START and watch fuel flow
around connector. Turn key to OFF when solid flow is
observed. Tighten pipe connector securely to the injec-
tor nozzle.
5. Repeat steps on the remaining injector nozzles.
Kubota Diesel