DPA Cutting
Reelmaster 3100--D
DPA Cutting Units (Rev. G)
Page 8 -- 17
9. To make an adjustment to the cutting units while
backlapping, disengagethe PTOswitch and turn theen-
gine OFF. Wait for all machine movement to stop. After
adjustments have been completed, repeat steps 5
through 8.
10.When the backlapping operation is completed, run a
file acrossthe front faceof the bedknife.This willremove
any burrs or rough edges that may have built up on the
cutting edge.
11.Repeat procedure for all cutting units to be backlap-
12.When backlap operationhas been completed,return
the backlap lever to the F (mow) position, set reel speed
knob to desired speed, install console cover and wash
all lapping compoundoff cutting units.Adjust cutting unit
reel to bedknife as needed.
Note: If the backlap lever is not returned to the F
(mow) position after backlapping, the c utting units will
not function properly.
Figure 18
Relief Angle
Front Angle
Top Face