Rev. E
Reelmaster 3100--D Hydraulic System (Rev. C)
Page 4 -- 23
Hydraulic Test Fitting Kit
Toro Part Number: TOR4079
This kit includes a variety of O--ring Face seal fittings to
enable you to connect test gauges into the system.
The kit includes: tee’s, unions, reducers, plugs, caps,
and male test fittings.
Figure 12
Measuring Container
Toro Part Number: TOR4077
Use this container for doing hydraulic motor efficiency
testing (motors with case drain lines only). Measure effi-
ciency of a hydraulic motor by restricting the outlet flow
from the motor and measuring leakage from the case
drain line while the motor is pressurized by the hydraulic
Figure 13
O--Ring Kit
Toro Part Number: 16--3799
The kitincludes O--rings in a varietyof sizes for faceseal
and port seal hydraulic connections. It is recommended
that O--rings be replaced whenever a hydraulic connec-
tion is loosened.
Figure 14