Water Filter Replacement (Fig. 33, 34)
When pump inlet pressure decreases or the water sys-
tem shuts down, it usually means the water filter is
restricted and must be replaced.
IMPORTANT: Never operate the machine without a
water filter. Operating without a water filter can
cause severe damage to the water system.
1. Put the machine on a level surface, engage the
parking brake, stop the engine and disconnect the en-
gine spark plug wires.
2. Locate the water filter assembly, which is mounted
below the fuel tank.
NOTE: Be careful when removing filter body. Filter body
is full of water and will be heavy.
3. Unscrew the filter body counterclockwise (as viewed
from top). Remove filter and discard.
4. Rinse out filter body and insert a new filter.
5. Clean filter head to prevent contamination of water
system. Thread body with filter onto filter head. Hand
6. Bleed water system with engine OFF and water
supply connected and turned on:
A. Push button on top of filter head to purge air from
filter body until water comes out around button.
B. Open high pressure bleed valve below ac-
cumulator to bleed air from water system. Close high
pressure bleed valve.
NOTE: The quality and micron rating of this filter is very
important. Do not use any substitutes. This filter has a
5 micron rating. For easier filter removal, use Filter
Wrench (TOR4012).
Figure 33
Figure 34
1. Filter body
2. Filter
3. Filter head
4. Bleed button
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