TEST NO. 1: Accumulator Pre-Charge Pressure (Fig. 14, 15, 16, 17)
Pre-charge pressure is measured and corrected when
the piston is resting on bottom cap of accumulator (high
pressure bleed valve open). By temporarily installing
Charging Tool (TOR4001) to top of accumulator,
Nitrogen pressure can be measured and if required,
more Nitrogen can be added.
Obtain a 3000 - 3500 PSI or 6000 PSI Nitrogen tank
from a local compressed gas or welding supply shop.
The charging tool is equipped with a Compressed Gas
Association No. 677 tank connection. These tanks con-
tain enough Nitrogen for 20-30 fills.
NOTE: During operation, working pressure of Nitrogen
in accumulator will be equal to the operating pressure
Figure 14
of the water system.
1. High pressure bleed valve
1. Park machine on a level surface, stop the engine,
engage the parking brake, open the hood and discon-
nect the engine spark plug wires.
in a
Charged accumulators contain high pressure
nitrogen. Nitrogen is the only gas to use for
accumulator charging. Installing IMPROPER
gases in an accumulator can cause an EX-
PLOSION AND DEATH. Charging requires
special tools and precautions. Charge
cumulators well ventilated area. It is
recommended that the accumulator
checked and charged by an Authorized TORO
Wear eye protection. Keep hands and face
away from gas valve.
Slowly open high pressure water bleed valve
before servicing any component connected
to high pressure water system. Opening the
high pressure bleed valve allows any trapped
water to escape from the system and also
allows accumulator piston to move to bottom
of accumulator cylinder. Failure to open bleed
valve before servicing high pressure water
components can cause personal in ury, DIS-
Charged accumulators cannot be shipped via
air freight.
Figure 15
1. Protective cover 2. Valve cap
2. Slowly open the high pressure bleed valve allowing
any pressurized water to escape.
3. Remove protective cover and yellow valve cap from
top side of accumulator.
3000 Page 6 - 13 Testing