General Run and Transport Problems
Condition Possible Cause Correction
Engine shuts down during trans-
Not electrical - low engine oil pres- Find and correct cause of engine
port or when idling (not in Aerate
sure, no fuel, etc. shut down.
Oil pressure switch faulty.
Test switch and replace if faulty.
Loose or broken wire in oil pres- Check all wiring and connections
sure switch circuit.
and repair as necessary.
Engine does not stop when igni-
Engine timing or carburetor out of Adjust carburetor or engine tim-
tion key switch is rotated to OFF
adjustment. ing.
Ignition switch faulty.
Test ignition switch and replace if
Short in ignition circuit wiring. Check all wiring and connections
and repair as necessary.
Battery does not charge. Open or missing 30 AMP fuse. Install new fuse. Find and correct
cause of open fuse.
Loose wire(s) in electrical system. Check for loose wire at “X” or “Y”
terminal of ignition switch. Check
all other connections and wires
on engine regulator.
Regulator or engine charging cir-
Install new regulator or repair en-
cuit faulty.
gine charging circuit.
Battery faulty.
Test battery and replace if faulty.
Ignition switch faulty.
Test switch and replace if faulty.
Machine does not lower (to aer- Circuit breaker open. Reset circuit breaker. Find cause
ate position).
for open circuit breaker and cor-
rect. Replace circuit breaker if
Lift/lower switch faulty.
Test switch and replace if faulty.
Lift DOWN relay faulty.
Test relay and replace if faulty.
Ignition key switch faulty.
Test ignition switch and replace if
Loose or broken wire in lift down
Check all wiring and connections
and repair as necessary.
Linear actuator faulty.
Test actuator and repair or re-
place if faulty.
3000 Page 5 - 11 Troubleshooting