Water Pump Clutch: Electromagnetic, dual groove belt
drive for water pump and driveshaft flange brake/clutch
for main valve gearbox.
Air gap 0.018 in.
Pre Filter – Spin down type with washable cartridge in
clear plastic housing and plastic ball valve for flushing.
Supply Filter – Replaceable 5 micron cartridge in plas-
tic housing with air bleed button.
Water Filter Cartridge: Toro part no. 86–8630
Water Pressure Switch – Senses for water pressure
after filter.
Switch closes when pressure is over 20–28 PSI and
opens when pressure drops below 7–13 PSI.
Pump – Current pump (Model 09801) is a Toro exclu-
sive design (patent pending) with cast stainless steel
head and 3 piston plungers. Vee packing seals and Ke
vlar guides. Forged crankshaft with plasma sprayed ce-
ramic on stainless steel plungers and cast iron
connecting rods.
Nominal performance is 4 GPM at 5000 PSI with
1400 RPM input.
Accumulator – Toro exclusive design with low charge
pressure sensor.
Charged with nitrogen gas charged to 2500 PSI
maximum pressure.
Cam and Gearbox – Reduction gear drive for cam that
actuates main water valve. Roller cam follower rides on
cam specifically designed (patent pending) to control
water injection at 5.3 cycles per second (320 rpm) and
store energy in accumulator between injections. Cast
iron case also serves as 4 quart hydraulic reservoir.
Valve – Cast stainless steel valve body functions as
mounting base for accumulator, gearbox and manifold
outlet. All high pressure water flows in and out through
the valve body. Pressure balanced valve spool with
floating (patent pending), hardened stainless seat
aligns during assembly. Bleed valve in base allows for
bleed–off of high pressure and drain down for cold
weather storage. Bolted flanges and polyurethane O–
rings mate all components to valve body.
Valve lift: 0.100
inch (with new cam)
Rollers – Pivoting aluminum rollers uniformly smooth
the turf and provide protection from the nozzle dis
charge. Adjustable flow (0 – 3 GPM) spray wash system
with 6 flood tip nozzles maintain clean rollers.
Pressure Relief Valve – Poppet–type valve with corro-
sion resistant stainless and brass materials.
5000 + 300 PSI relief valve pressure.
Manifold and Nozzles – Extruded stainless steel man-
ifold with11 flanged nozzle extensions containing check
valves and hardened stainless discharge orifice. Check
valves may be reversed in housing to block unused
Aeration Width: 33 inches with 11 nozzles on 3 inch
Aeration Depth: 4 to 6 inches depending on turf condi-
tions and nozzle configuration.
Hole Pattern: Variable from 1.5” to 6” spacing in the di-
rection of travel, and 3 or 6” increments in width.
Water Pump Case Oil – Mobil DTE Extra Heavy or oth-
er interchangeable ISO Grade 150 PE–700–A (Heavy
Inhibited Hydraulic & General Purpose) See following
chart for equivalent oils.
Mobil DTE EH (Extra Heavy)
Shell Turbo 150
Amoco American Ind. Oil 150
Chevron AW Machine Oil 150
Conoco Dectol R & O150
Exxon Terresstic 150
Kendall Ken–Tran 080
Pennzoil Penreco 150/AW150
Phillips Magnus Oil 150
Standard Energol HLP 150
Sun Sunvis 150
Union Unax RX 150/Turbine Oil 150
Valvoline ETC (R&O) #70
Water Supply – Recommend a source with 7–8 gallons
per minute. A minimum pressure of 30 psi at the ma
chine is required for the pump to engage. Maximum al-
lowable pressure of 200 psi. Although irrigation water
pumped from ponds or effluent holding pools can be
used, not all conditions can be handled by the machines
filtration system, additional or alternative filtration may
be required.
DO NOT USE CHEMICALS – Concern for environ-
mental issues and corrosive affects on machine
Hydroject 3000
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