6. Install Flow Meter (TOR4006) between water supply
hose and hose adapter. Connect hose adapter to quick
connector on side of machine.
7. Turn on water supply. Open high pressure bleed valve
until all air is out of the system. Close high pressure
bleed valve for pump testing. NOTE: Air in system will
cause improper test readings.
8. Disconnect hose from relief valve fitting.
engine and operate at full speed. WEAR SAFETY
GLASSES! Have one person press and HOLD engage
button while other person stands to side of machine and
Figure 21
observes pressure gauge and flow meter readings.
1. Water supply quick connector
PRESSURE should be 5000 ± 300 PSI and
FLOW more than 3.4 GPM.
If pressure is too high, replace relief valve.
If pressure AND flow is low, disconnect small tube
running from bottom side of valve housing to water
pump inlet by backing out small 1/16" NPT fitting
(Fig. 39, Item 31). Plug open port with a 1/16" NPT
plug. Do this test procedure again beginning with
step 1. If pressure AND flow is still low, rebuild pump.
After rebuilding pump, do this test procedure again
beginning with step 1, to verify that valve is sealing
properly in closed position. A large quantity of water
exiting valve side of tube indicates a leaking valve
Figure 22
ceramic sleeve or seal. Reconnect small tube.
1. Flow meter/pressure gauge (TOR4006)
If pressure is low, but flow is OK, make sure cam is
not on roller follower, keeping valve in open position.
If water is exiting outlet fitting on relief valve, replace
relief valve. If water is not exiting outlet fitting on relief
valve, rebuild water valve. After replacing relief valve
or rebuilding water valve, do this test procedure
again, beginning with step 1, to verify that pump has
adequate flow at specified operating pressure.
If pressure is OK, but flow is low, rebuild pump.
10. Perform Test No. 3: Water Valve Lift.
11. Do steps 2 - 4 and 6 - 8 of this pressure and flow test
again, with valve clutch connected to wire harness.
Figure 23
Pressure gauge needle will go rapidly to the relief
1. Relief valve 2. Hose
setting (5000 ± 300 PSI) for 3 to 4 seconds, then
begin to fluctuate rapidly when the unit begins aerat-
ing. Note the highest pressure. If highest pressure is
4000 to 4500 PSI, plan to rebuild the valve. If pres-
sure is less than 4000 PSI, rebuild the valve.
12. After testing is completed, open high pressure bleed
valve, then remove water system pressure gauge.
Reinstall plug in open port of water valve housing.
Connect relief valve hose. Remove flow meter.
Testing Page 6 - 16 Rev. A HydroJect