Odyssey air handler versatility is fur-
ther increased by a complete line of
accessories designed to match and
install smoothly:
• Discharge Plenum and Grille
• Return Grille
• Subbase
• Electric Heaters
• High Static Evaporator Motor
• Isolators both Rubber-in-Shear
and Spring Type
• A Full Line of Thermostats
• Outdoor Thermostat
Odyssey — A Complete
Split System
Odyssey delivers the flexibility to
select a complete system that meets
your particular job requirements. Air
handlers are designed, tested, and
rated with outdoor units to let you
select the proper match between
capacity and load. Heat pumps can
also be matched with Trane built-up
air handlers. Also, these matched sys-
tems can be quickly engineered for
specific applications using Trane’s
computerized selection and load pro-
Odyssey Lowers
Installation Costs
Your installation costs are reduced
with Odyssey. Both outdoor units and
air handlers are factory packaged and
assembled so jobsite installation is
quick and easy. You get a complete
unit with all the components, controls
and the internal wiring factory ready
for a smooth jobsite start-up.
Unlike some competitive models the
following components are factory-
installed in Trane air handlers:
• Single Point Power Entry
• Blower wheel and housing
• Evaporator motor with sheaves
and pulleys
• Low Voltage Terminal Board
• Transformer
• Contactor
• Fan relay
• DX Coil with complete refrigera-
tion circuitry
• Expansion Valve and Check
There’s no need to install components
and put together the air handler on the
job. This provides you with less labor
cost and fewer chances for installation
errors which cause callbacks. All this
means saving you money both in re-
placement and new construction ap-
Features and