TRG-TRC016-EN 101
period four
Chiller-Plant Control
There is an amazing amount of information available within a chilled-water
system. Often the problem is not a lack of information, but how to interpret
that information. Therefore, a clear and concise interface between the control
system and the system operator is extremely important.
Information that should be communicated to the operator includes:
n Chiller-water system temperatures
n Chiller status (on or off)
n Information specified by ASHRAE Guideline 3
n Any pending control actions (chiller about to turn on or off)
n Status of system time delays
n Status of ancillary equipment (pumps, cooling towers, and so forth)
In addition, the chiller-plant control system should notify the operator of
problems that are occurring, or are about to occur, in the system. These
warning or diagnostic messages may point to a single piece of equipment
malfunctioning, or be indicative of system changes that may cause problems.
Diagnostics that occur at the chiller control panel should be communicated
to the chiller-plant control system.
Operator Interface
Figure 109