
TRG-TRC016-EN 109
Questions for Period 3
9 Why does a variable-primary-flow (VPF) system require a bypass in
the system?
10 Identify one scenario where preferential loading is beneficial to a
chilled-water system.
11 What is the benefit of using a smaller-capacity “swing” chiller in a
multiple-chiller system?
Questions for Period 4
12 Making decisions about when to turn chillers on and off is commonly
referred to as chiller __________.
13 Lowering the temperature of the water leaving the cooling tower __________
(increases or decreases) the energy consumption of the chiller and
__________ (increases or decreases) the energy consumption of the cooling
tower fans.
14 An increase in the condenser approach temperature (that is, the
temperature difference between the water and the refrigerant inside the
condenser) may be a sign of what?