
TRG-TRC016-EN 105
period five
Period Three reviewed several variations in the design of chilled-water systems.
These variations may allow the system design engineer to provide added value
to the building owner and operator in the areas of improved reliability, greater
flexibility, reduced installed costs, and lower operating costs.
Topics included:
n Hybrid chilled-water systems using chillers that operate on different fuels
n Low-flow systems that use lower chilled-water temperatures and lower flow
n Variable-primary-flow systems that are designed to vary the water flow
through the chiller evaporator
n Configurations that allow a chiller to be preferentially loaded, specifically
in the case of a high-efficiency, heat-recovery or alternate-fuel chiller
n Heat-recovery chillers that are capable of providing heat to another part of
the system
n Asymmetric system designs using chillers of different capacities or
efficiencies, such as the “swing” chiller concept
n Several “free” cooling options that reduce cooling energy costs
n Applications in which the required conditions are outside of the normal
operating range of the chiller
Review—Period Three
Hybrid systems
Low-flow systems
Variable-primary-flow systems
Preferential loading
Heat recovery
Asymmetric design
“Free” (reduced-energy) cooling
Application of a chiller outside its normal
operating range
Figure 114