TRG-TRC016-EN 87
period four
Chiller-Plant Control
When the system consists of chillers with different capacities, efficiencies, or
fuel types, the question of which chiller to turn on or off next becomes more
complex. Although each system requires a complete analysis, there are some
general principles that apply to most systems.
In systems with chillers of different capacities, such as the “swing” chiller
concept introduced in Period Three, the goal is to operate the least number
of chillers and the smallest chiller possible. This typically minimizes overall
system energy consumption by closely matching the capacity of the plant to
the system load, thus reducing the energy used by ancillary equipment.
In systems with chillers of different efficiencies, it makes sense to operate the
most efficient chillers first and the least efficient chillers last. If different fuel
types are involved, the control system may receive data on the costs of natural
gas and electricity and calculate the real-time cost of operating the electric-
versus gas-driven chillers.
large electric
large electric
small electric
small electric
Chiller Rotation
Figure 95