
TRG-TRC016-EN 79
period four
Chiller-Plant Control
It is important to understand that no matter how good the system design is,
adequate controls are necessary for all the components to operate properly as
a system. It is equally important to understand that you cannot “control your
way out of a bad system design.”
The chiller plant consists of chillers, pumps, pipes, coils, cooling towers,
temperature sensors, control valves, and many other devices. It is similar to
an orchestra with many instruments. The existence of these pieces does not
guarantee that the system will work properly. There needs to be an orchestra
conductor. In the case of a chilled-water system, that conductor is a chiller-plant
control system. How well the plant works depends on how well the control
system gets all the pieces to work together.
period four
Chiller-Plant Control
Chilled-Water Systems
Figure 87