VBrick Appliance Getting Started Guide 9
Chapter 2
Appliance Upgrade
Topics in this chapter
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Installing a System Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
VBrick appliances are shipped with PC applications to allow for easy upgrade (All release
material should be installed on a PC running Internet Explorer 6.0 and using Service Pack 2
or higher.) Once the release is installed, the upgrade tools become available in the VBrick
program group, located under Start > Programs. The upgrade procedure can be invoked
by using either the VBDownload application or the VBDirectory application. Either
application can be used as the starting point for updating the appliance's flash memory.
(TCP/IP FTP transport services are used for this.) Using VBDirectory is an easier method as
it allows users to choose the appliances by name instead of IP addresses. When VBrick
appliances are not accessible to VBDirectory, the VBDownload application must be used. All
saved configuration parameters are preserved when you upgrade your VBrick. There is no
need to reconfigure the unit after the upgrade other than to take advantage of new features in
the release. The upgrade process does require the unit to be reset, so it is important that your
configuration be saved prior to the upgrade if you want to preserve the settings.
Part of the process takes place during the first boot after the upgrade of a new release.
During this time you must avoid powering off the unit. This process may take 2-15 minutes
and may include an automatic reboot of the unit. You can tell that the VBrick is ready for
operation when you are able to login via IWS or CLI. VBrick recommends against loading a
previous version of code. Some new features can cause problems for old code versions. For
example, if DHCP is enabled and you load a previous version of code that does not support
DHCP, the VBrick will fail to start and you will need to return the unit to the factory for
repair. Before loading a previous version of code, it is highly recommended that all
parameters be set to defaults.
Installing a System Upgrade
T To upgrade a VBrick:
1. Double-click on the release executable (
SetupVB6000_x_x_x.exe) to install the release on
your PC. It is recommended that you accept the default destination folder for the release
which is
Program Files\VBrick\VB6000\download\ReleaseVx_x_x.
2. The setup programs for VBDownload and for VBDirectory will automatically run after
the release files have been extracted. Click
Next and follow the on-screen instructions.
Use the default folders if possible.
3. When the
Maintenance Complete page is displayed, click Finish.