VBrick Appliance Getting Started Guide vii
VBrick Appliance Getting Started Guide
This document explains how to set up and configure a VBrick network video appliance. It
explains the management tools available and describes some of the fundamental concepts
behind the technology. It also explains how to use the Integrated Web Browser to configure
the appliance and the IR Remote Control to control appliance functions. Your appliance has
two available slots. Depending on what options you purchased, you may have a single
encoder, a dual encoder, or a mixed model (e.g. one encoder and one decoder). You can also
mix and match encoding formats with an MPEG-2 encoder, for example, in Slot1 and a WM
encoder in Slot2. Once your appliance is set up and configured with an IP address, refer to
the following documents as necessary for additional configuration options.
For More Information
VBrick MPEG-2 Appliance Admin Guide
VBrick MPEG-4 Appliance Admin Guide
VBrick WM Appliance Admin Guide
Appliance Setup Explains the basics. Provides general configuration
recommendations as well as how to cable the appliance and
connect it to the network.
Appliance Upgrade
Explains how to update the appliance's flash memory when
software updates are available. You can us VBDownload or
VBDirectory to perform the update.
Management Tools
Explains how to configure the appliance using a variety of
management tools. These include the IWS web interface,
Telnet, SNMP, the command line, and the IR remote control.
Streaming Video Basics
Explains some of the fundamentals behind the technology
including compression techniques, network concepts, serial
port passthrough, and other video basics.
Integrated Web Server
Explains how to use the Integrated Web Server application to
manage VBrick configuration from an external browser.
Using the IR Remote
Explains how to access VBrick appliance functions and control
functions using an optional hand held IR (infrared) remote
Command Line Interface
Explains how to configure an appliance from the command
line using HyperTerminal or Telnet when an Internet
connection is not available.
VB6000 Reference
Provides back panel drawings, COM port pinouts, LED
descriptions, and other miscellaneous information.