34 © 2008 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Login Page
Figure 4. Login Page
T To login to IWS:
1. Enter the IP address of the VBrick in the address bar.
2. Login to IWS with a valid user name and password (case-sensitive), and then click the
Log In button. The default user name and password is admin and admin. Use the
Maintenance pages in IWS to change the user name and password. The user name and
password cannot exceed 20 characters. It may include any combination of alphanumeric
characters and only the following special characters:
~ ! # $ ^ * + & % [ ] { } | < >
Table 6. Levels of Authority
Welcome Screen
A successful Login displays the Welcome screen shown below which indicates the login name
and the appliance IP address.
User Level Default User Name Default Password Privileges
Administrator admin admin Read, diagnostics, edit, change
Operator operator operator Read, diagnostics, edit.
Diagnostics diagnostics diagnostics Read, diagnostics.
Public public public Read.