Command Line Interface
VBrick Appliance Getting Started Guide 61
waitfor "^J$!vbrickSlot1EncoderVideoHue=100" FOREVER
waitfor "^JVBrick> " FOREVER
transmit "SVAR vbrickSlot1EncoderNetworkDestinationIpAddr=^M"
waitfor "^J$!vbrickSlot1EncoderNetworkDestinationIpAddr=" FOREVER
waitfor "^JVBrick> " FOREVER
transmit "SVAR vbrickSlot1EncoderNetworkApplySet=2^M"
waitfor "^J$!vbrickSlot1EncoderNetworkApplySet=2" FOREVER
waitfor "^JVBrick> " FOREVER
waitquiet 15 FOREVER
transmit "SVAR vbrickSlot1EncoderAudioInput=3^M"
waitfor "^J$!ERROR=Invalid value because SDI is not present" FOREVER
waitfor "^JVBrick> " FOREVER
transmit "SVAR vbrickSlot1EncoderAudioInput=1^M"
waitfor "^J$!vbrickSlot1EncoderAudioInput=1" FOREVER
waitfor "^JVBrick> " FOREVER
transmit "SVAR vbrickSlot1EncoderAudioApplySet=2^M"
waitfor "^J$!vbrickSlot1EncoderAudioApplySet=2" FOREVER
waitfor "^JVBrick> " FOREVER
; endfor
Menu-Based Command Line Interface
The Command Line Interface is a VBrick program used to manage configuration parameters
for the appliance. It is based upon the same command structure as the IWS. Regardless of
whether CLI is accessed through HyperTerminal (shipped with Windows) or through Telnet,
the command structure is the same. This section gives a brief overview of the CLI operation
assuming most users will typically use IWS for configuration.