28 © 2008 VBrick Systems, Inc.
How Passthrough Works
VBrick appliances are able to receive data on a particular TCP/IP port and transparently
output that data to a serial port. Conversely, any data input to a serial port can be passed
through to other devices connected to that TCP/IP port. Devices include other VBricks or
special applications connected to the appropriate TCP/IP port. This feature is called "Serial
Port Passthrough." COM1 is assigned port 4439 while COM2 uses port 4414. A typical
application is for two VBricks connected to each other's TCP/IP port 4439. In this case,
characters typed into a terminal program attached to one VBrick's serial port appear on a
terminal program attached to the other VBrick's serial port. In this case, the TCP/IP network
serves as an intermediary between the serial ports of two VBrick appliances.
You must select configuration settings to enable Serial Port Passthrough. First it is necessary
to decide if the appliance will be designated as an
Initiator or Responder of Passthrough
connections. If configured as an Initiator it will continuously attempt to setup a Passthrough
connection to other devices. When configured as a Responder it will accept up to 64
connections from
Initiator appliances. It is possible to Disable Passthrough Mode, so that the
VBrick neither initiates nor responds to Passthrough requests. If a VBrick is set to be an
Initiator, a Destination must be selected. The appliance will use the destination information
when trying to establish a connection. The destination can be configured as follows:
•Remote COM1/COM2 using Slot1 Video endpoint
•Remote COM1/COM2 using Slot2 Video endpoint
• Slot1/Slot2 MetaData
Dedicated means that the initiator will attempt to make a Passthrough
connection to the Dedicated Address and Port configured by the
user. Please note that the Dedicated Address Port configuration
parameters are used only when the initiator destination is set to
Dedicated. The Dedicated Address can either be configured using
IP Address or Host Name. The Dedicated Address Mode
parameter is used to specify whether the IP Address or Host Name
will be used. If the Dedicated Address Mode is set to Host Name,
the Dedicated Address is configured using the Dedicated Host
Name parameter. Likewise, if the Dedicated Address Mode is set
to IP Address, the Dedicated Address is configured using the
Dedicated IP Address parameter.
Slot1 Video Endpoint
Slot2 Video Endpoint
use address information that is configured for the device in that
slot. If the device in that slot is an encoder, the initiator will
attempt to establish a Passthrough connection to the unicast
Destination IP Address configured as Destination 1 for that slot.
Note: Passthrough is supported using Destination 1 only;
Destination 2 has no meaning for the Passthrough operation. If
the device is a decoder, the initiator will attempt to establish a
Passthrough connection with the address configured as the
Decoder Receive IP Address and Port. The receive address can be
either multicast or unicast.