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6.2 About Screen
Tap About on the Main Menu screen to open this screen.
Information displayed here includes map licenses, the creators of
this Navigator and the legal aspects of using the program.
6.3 The Map
The most important and most frequently used screens of this
Navigator are the two screens with the map (Map screen and
Cockpit screen). They are similar in look and in possible controls but
are optimized for different uses. The map they display is common.
The elements of the map are described here. For the controls and
special functions of the two map screens see 6.5.
The current version of this Navigator is primarily intended for
land navigation. That is why maps in this Navigator look similar to
paper roadmaps (when using daytime colors and 2D map mode).
However, this Navigator provides much more than regular paper
maps can. The look and the contents can be changed.