- 77 - U-turn Penalty
You can ne-tune the way this
Navigator takes u-turns into
account when planning a route.
You can tell this Navigator how
much extra distance you would
travel to avoid a u-turn.
This value is taken into account
only if U-turns are enabled in
Route parameters ( Cross-Border
By default this Navigator
plans routes using the border
crossing points. However, if
you live near the border, you
can disable border crossing
with this switch to remain within
one country. Carpool Lanes
Your can instruct this Navigator
to use carpool lanes when
planning routes.
By turning off Lock-on-Road you
also turn off the GPS position
error searching. The position
shown on the map will be subject
to all position errors and position
7.6.5 User Data
Everything that was saved
(pins, My POIs, Favorites, track
logs etc.) or modied (Settings,
History lists) since this Navigator
was manufactured is stored
in a user database located in
the RAM of the PNA device.
Here you have options to save,
restore or reset the database or
parts of it. Keep Position on
Road (Lock-on-Road)
This Navigator is normally
used for vehicle navigation,
therefore Lock-on-Road
will display the position
arrow precisely over roads,
seamlessly correcting small
GPS errors. For pedestrian
use you may consider
disabling Lock-on-Road to
make this Navigator always
show your exact position.