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This Navigator automatically
selects the color of the pin.
Different colors help you identify
a pin in the History list (8.3.2)
later. There they are shown
together with their address and
GPS coordinates.
A quick way to tell the coordinates
of a location you found on the
map is to pin it, and then look
for the coordinates in the History
list (8.3.2). This way you also
save the coordinates with the pin
for later reference. If you do not
need the coordinates later, just
select the point and start Find
Coordinates (8.3.3).
6.3.9 Visible POIs (Points
of Interest)
This Navigator comes with
thousands of built-in POIs,
and you can create your own
POI database as well. Having
all of them displayed on the
map would make the map too
crowded. To avoid this, this
Navigator lets you select which
POIs to show and which ones
to hide ( using their
categories and subcategories.
Icons on the map represent
POIs. For a built-in POI it is
the icon of the subcategory of
the actual POI. For points you
create, it is the icon you had
chosen when you created the
POI (it can be changed later).
These icons are large enough
to recognize the symbol, and
semi-transparent enough to not
cover the streets and junctions
behind them.
When the map is zoomed out,
the icons are not shown. As you
zoom in, small dots appear at
the locations of visible POIs.
Zooming in further makes the
full icons appear.