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6.5.14 Current Street (No.
This eld of the Cockpit screen
shows the name or number (as
available) of the current street or
road you are driving on.
Some roads have an alternative
name (or number). This is normally
shown together with the primary
name in this eld. You can hide
these alternative names in Map
settings (7.2.2).
the History list together with its
exact position. This Navigator
automatically selects the color of
the pin.
Remove the pin near or at the
Cursor. This menu point releases
the Pin and is available only if the
selected point is near or at a pin.
Opens the list of POIs near the
selected point. These are the
POIs shown in the Popup Info
window. This menu point is only
available on the Map screen.
If you want to add a new POI
at the cursor, you can do so by
tapping Add POI in the bottom
left corner.
6.5.15 Travel and Route
data (No. 17)
The contents of these three
elds are different when cruising
(without an active route) or
navigating (following an active
While cruising, the elds show
the present speed, the current
speed limit and the time of day.
While navigating a route, these
elds show the estimated time
needed to reach the destination
(ETE), the distance to
destination, and the estimated
arrival time at the destination
(ETA) by default.
You can choose what to display
in these three elds during
navigation, by going to Advanced
settings / Display Options
(7.6.1). See the following list for
your options. The only restriction
is that you cannot select a value
that already appears in another
eld. The possible eld contents
are :
• Distance to destination (default
value for the left eld)
• Time to destination (estimated
time in route, default value for
the middle eld)
• Distance to next via point
• Time to next via point