- 86 - How to Select an
Intersection Instead of a
House Number
If you do not know the house
number or it is easier to pinpoint
the location with an intersection,
press the Find intersection
button in the top right corner
and select the desired street
name from the list of available
intersections of the previously
selected street (displayed in the
top center of the screen). The
crossing of the two streets will
be the selected point.
8.3.2 Find in History
If you have used Find before,
or saved map points as POIs,
marked points with a pin, or
picked and used points of the
map before, they all appear in
the History list.
This list is ordered by the time
the points were last used. The
most recently used locations
are always at the beginning of
the list.
If you will need a location later
but you do not want to save it as
POI, just mark it with a pin, and
remember its color to nd it easily
in the History list.
Just pick any of the recent
locations as your destination.
Here you have no possibility
to reorder the list or Search
it by name, but the Next and
Previous buttons let you browse
through the complete list to nd
your preferred point.