Apple MC606LL/A Cell Phone User Manual

Browsing and Searching
Browse the featured selections to see new, notable, or recommended apps, or browse
Top 25 to see the most popular apps. If you’re looking for a specic app, use Search.
Browse apps: Tap Featured, Categories, or Top 25. Choose a category, or choose a sort
method at the top of the screen to browse by lists such as New, What’s Hot, Genius,
Top Paid, or Top Free.
Browse using Genius: Tap Genius to see a list of recommended apps based on what’s
already in your app collection. To turn Genius on, follow the onscreen instructions.
Genius is a free service, but it requires an Apple ID.
Search for apps: Tap Search, tap the search eld and enter one or more words, then
tap Search.
Chapter 23 App Store