Personal Informa-
Setting the calendar as wallpaper
Select Set to Wallpaper to set the calendar as the wallpaper. see Display
on page 72.
You can use the phone to record important information such as names of
people or places or record important reminders.
Select Notes from the PIM sub-menu and press the left menu/soft key
to access notes.
Adding Notes
To add a note:
1. Select New Entry and press Select to add a new note. For details on
entering text, see Text entry on page 27.
2. After entering the notes you wish to make, press Options, select Save
from the list and press Select.
Viewing and editing notes
After creating a note, you can view or modify it if you need to. To view a
note, select the note you want to view and press View.
To edit a note:
1. Select the note you want to edit and press Options.
2. Select Edit from the list and press Select.