
Forward: Goes to the next
page, if you navigated to
previous pages.
Refresh: Reloads the current
Home: Goes back to the
homepage. (confi gured in
current default setting)
Enter URL: A desired URL can
be entered here to visit.
Recent Pages: You can view
the latest page when you
connected internet.
Bookmarks: You can add
or save the current page to
the Bookmark or view the list
saved under Bookmark.
Search Text: You can search
for the text you want.
Settings: You can set the
Browser related options
such as Character Encoding,
Scrolling Control, Show Image,
Primary Storage, Cache,
Cookie, Clear Cache, Clear
Cookie, Authwallet, Current
certifi cate, Session info and
Page info.
Exit: You can exit the WAP
browser menu.
Enter URL
You can manually enter a
URL address and access the
associated web page.
• To enter a symbol, press or
the right soft key [Options]
and select Insert Symbols to
display the Symbol table.
• To switch input mode, press
You can store frequently
accessed or favorite URLs/
Pages. Several preconfi gured
URLs are stored as