My stuff
Videos(Menu 1.3)
Shows the list of MP4, 3G2 files in the
Downloaded folder. This phone only supports .3gp
files, that are encoded with MPEG4 and h.263
video-codecs and AMR audio-codec.
Downloaded folder is set by default. You cannot
edit or delete the default folder. You can save the
file downloaded from the network service in this
If you tap the icon in a list, you can view the
submenus as follows (in Thumbnail view):
Send via: Send the selected file to another
device via MMS, Email and Bluetooth.
Delete: Delete a file.
- Rename: You can change the neme of file.
- Move/Copy: You can move or copy image
between internal memory and external
- Information: Shows the file information.
Delete all: Delete all files in the list.
Multiple delete: You can delete multiple files at
the same time. If you mark v on the check box
by tapping the screen, you can delete the
selected file or cancel the actions.
List view: You can view the file list by pressing
side volume key.
You can’t use the following characters, \ / : *
? “ < > |
If the folder has video files over 9, up/down
and page up/down icons will be shown up on
the right side of screen.
Internal memory (Phone)
External memory
If you don’t insert the external memory card
into a phone, the warning message “No
external memory inserted” will be displayed.
Up down, Page
Up Down Button
Default Folder
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