LG Electronics MMBB0360104(1.0) Cell Phone User Manual

Reset the Device
Occasionally you may need to reset your device. A normal (or soft) reset of your device clears all active
program memory and shuts down all active programs. This can be useful when the device is running
slower than normal, or a program is not performing properly. A soft reset is also necessary after the
installation of some programs. If a soft reset is performed while programs are running, unsaved work will
be lost.
To perform a soft reset
• Locate the Soft reset key. You can find it if you remove the battery cover. It is located on the upper
center of the battery compartment.
A soft reset of your device clears all active program memory and shuts down all active programs.
This is useful when your device is running slower than normal, or a program is not performing
properly. A soft reset is also necessary after the installation of some programs. If you perform a
soft reset when programs are running, you will lose unsaved work.
To perform a hard reset
• You should only perform a Hard Reset after you have exhausted all other troubleshooting options.
After a hard reset, the device is restored to its default settings (the way it was when you first
purchased it and turned it on). Any programs you installed, data you entered, and settings you
customized on your device will be lost.
Turn on the device.
Clear Storage
Choose whether to delete Internal Memory or External Memory (SD card) or both.
Press Clear.
Press Yes. All settings reset to their default values, and all data is deleted.