4) Use
W to scroll through your choices (your phone
plays samples) and press
You can mute and unmute your phones microphone
while a call is in progress. During a call, your phones
softkeys change from
1DPHV and 0HQX to 2SWLRQV and
Muting and unmuting your phone
You can mute the phones microphone during a call;
simply press
0XWH. To unmute the microphone, press
If these texts are not available, press
2SWLRQV, scroll to
0XWH or (QG PXWH and press 6HOHFW.
Muting and unmuting also affect the microphones of
any accessories connected to the phone.
Missed calls
Your phone will keep track of the last 10 calls you have
missed, either if you werent around to answer the call,
were out of the service area, or if your phone was off.
If the display says Missed calls
/LVW. To call back the displayed number,
ó. Press ([LW to go back to the start
The Options soft key
See The Options soft key on page 27.
Checking the missed calls list anytime
At the start screen,
0HQX 2 1 (&DOO ORJ - 0LVVHG FDOOV), then W
(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)