
Tip: When 1 new message or New e-mail is displayed in the standby mode,
to listen to the received messages, press and hold the left selection key
until Msg. reader starts.
To select the default language and voice used for reading messages and adjust the
voice properties, such as rate and volume. Select Menu > Settings > Speech.
View messages on the SIM card
To view messages on the SIM card, select Menu > Messaging > Options > SIM
messages, and copy the SIM messages to a folder in your phone.
Messaging settings
Text message settings
Select Menu > Messaging > Options > Settings > Text message and from the
following options:
Message centres — lists all the defined message centers
Message centre in use — defines which message center is used for delivering text
messages and special message types such as business cards
Character encoding > Full support — to select all characters in the message to be
sent as viewed. If you select Reduced support, characters with accents and other
marks may be converted to other characters.
Receive report (network service) > Yes — to show the status of the sent message
(Pending, Failed, Delivered) in Reports
Message validity — to set a validity period. If the recipient of a message cannot be
reached within the validity period, the message is removed from the message
service center. Note that the network must support this feature.
Message sent as — to define how the message is sent. The default is Text.
Preferred connection — to indicate whether to send text messages using the
normal GSM network or packet data, if supported by your network
Reply via same centre (network service) > Yes — If the recipient replies to your
message, the return message is sent using the same message service center
number. All networks do not provide this option.