
Section 3B: Data Services 171
Data Services
To access the browser menu:
Select Menu (press ). (The browser menu will be
displayed in a drop-down list.)
The main browser menu page (Navigate) will be displayed.
Options available under the Navigate menu include:
Back: Returns the browser to the previously
viewed page.
Home: Returns the browser to the home page.
Go to URL: Allows you to navigate directly to a Web
site by entering its URL (Web site address).
Search: Launches a Web search.
Mark Page: Allows you to bookmark new sites.
Forward: Move forward to a previously viewed page.
Refresh: Reloads the current Web page.
Exit web: Close out of an Web session.
Advanced...: Displays additional options:
Settings ...: Allows you to configure the browser
Homepage, Scroll Mode, Connection Timeout, and
Key Press Timeout.
Security ...: Allows you to configure browser
security settings for Secure Prompt, Send Referrer,
Authentication, Current Certificate, and
Certificate Info.
Clear...: Allows you to clear the browser History,
Cache, Cookies, and Auto Fill.
Restart Browser: Refreshes the current
browser session.
About...: Displays technical information about the
browser, its version, and the encryption version,
and provides links to certificate information for
the various components.