
When the Voyager SSL Certificate page comes up, Paste the copied certificate into the box that is
labeled “New server certificate”. Now click on the BACK button of the IE page that you are on, I have
noticed that if you click on up rather then back your certificate will disappear. It is a lot easier to just click
on back, this way you don’t get lost as to what you are doing.
Now you should be back to the page where you can copy the “Private Key” this is the one below the
Server Certificate. After you copy the key click on the green arrow that allows you to advance to the
previous page in IE, Netscape or whatever you are using.
Now that you are back to the area shown below, paste the Private Key in the area that reads Associated
Private Key. You will then need to type in the “Pass phrase” that you created earlier. After entering the
pass phrase, click on Apply and the screen will show “Apply Successful” at the top of the page.