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Menu functions
Menu functions
• Select Font size and select Small, Normal or Large.
• Select Show images. Select No and any pictures appearing on the page are not shown. This can
speed up the browsing of pages that contain a lot of pictures.
• Select Alerts and select Alert for unsecure connection and Yes to set the phone to alert when a
secure connection changes to an unsecure one during browsing. Select Alert for unsecure items and
Yes to set the phone to alert when a secure page contains an unsecure item. Note that these alerts
do not guarantee a secure connection. For more information, see Browser security on page 152.
• Select Character encoding to select the character set that the phone uses for showing browser
pages that do not include that information or to select whether to always use UTF-8 encoding
when sending a Web address to a compatible phone.
A cookie is data that a site saves in your phone’s browser cache memory. The data can be, for example,
your user information or your browsing preferences. Cookies will be saved until you clear the cache
memory, see The cache memory on page 152.
1. While browsing, press Options and select Other options, Security and Cookie settings,
or in standby mode, press Menu, and select Web, Settings, Security settings and Cookies.
2. Select Allow or Reject to allow or prevent the phone receiving cookies.