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Entering letters and numbers
6. Entering letters and
You can enter letters, as well as numbers, when storing information into
your phone by using your phone’s keypad. To enter letters, press the key
associated with the letter you wish to enter until it appears on the screen
(numbers also appear).
ABC mode
When you need to enter letters into your phone, it
automatically switches to mode.
Your phone displays the icon to indicate that
your phone is in ABC mode. It also displays when you are viewing names
rather than numbers.
When is displayed, you can enter these characters:
Key Characters Key Characters
1 .,’?!-1 7 PQRS7
2 ABC2 8 TUV8
3 DEF3 9 WXYZ9
4 GHI4 0 Enters an empty space, 0
5 JKL5 * (See next page for details)
6 MNO6 # Changes letter case; long
press toggles between ABC/
abc and 123 mode