Your phone’s selectable system registration function lets you
select one of six possible roaming modes:
Roaming Mode Description Display
Standard Mode
— the phone first seeks a home type
system, then it seeks a non-home type.
If you are using a type A (non-wireline) home system
Std AB
If you are using a type B (wireline) home system
Std BA
Invert Preference Mode
— the phone first seeks a non-
home type system, then it seeks a home type. (Select
this setting while on the fringe of your home area or in
certain roaming situations.)
If your home system is non-wireline (type A):
• Roam flashes rapidly — call on system B
• Roam flashes slowly — call on home type system
• InUse flashes slowly — call on home system
If your home system is wireline (type B):
• Roam flashes rapidly — call on system A
• Roam flashes slowly — call on home type system
• InUse flashes slowly — call on home system
Home Only Mode
— the phone will not operate outside
your home system.
Scan A Mode
— the phone will operate only within
non-wireline (A) systems.
Scan A
Scan B Mode
— the phone will operate only within
wireline (B) systems.
Scan B
SID Mode
— the phone automatically scans for one or
more preferred systems to use
one or more sys-
to use. System IDs must be preprogrammed
by the dealer; preferred system (SID) feature requires
special service (contact your cellular carrier).
P Scan
17-1111.fm Page 57 Wednesday, July 21, 1999 2:23 PM