View a location on a map
1. On a map, press the Menu key.
2. Click Find Location.
3. Perform one of the following actions:
• To view your current location, click Where I Am.
• To view a new location, click Enter Address.
• To view a saved location, click From Favorites.
• To view a location for a contact, click From Address Book.
Add a bookmark for a location
1. On a map, press the Menu key.
2. Click Add To Favorites.
Clear a map
1. On a map, press the Menu key.
2. Click Clear Map.
Clear location history
1. On a map, press the Menu key.
2. Click Find Location.
3. Highlight a location.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Perform one of the following actions:
• To delete the highlighted location, click Delete.
• To delete all locations, click Clear Recent Locations.