Blackberry 7230 Cell Phone User Manual

BlackBerry Wireless Handheld 99
8. Click Save. The task is saved.
Open a task
1. On the Home screen, click the Tasks icon. The Find screen
2. Click a task. A menu appears.
3. Click Open. The task appears.
Edit a task
1. On the Home screen, click the Tasks icon. The Find screen
2. Click a task. A menu appears.
3. Click Open. The Edit Task screen appears.
4. Edit the task.
5. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
6. Click Save. The edited task is saved.
Change the status of a task
1. On the Home screen, click the Tasks icon. The Find screen
2. Click a task. A menu appears.
3. Select one of the following options:
To show that the task is in progress, click Mark In Progress.
To show that the task is complete, click Mark Completed.
Note: To mark a task as Waiting or Deferred, you must edit the Status
field of the task. Refer to "Edit a task" on page 99 for more information.