
Add a bookmark
1. On a web page, click the trackwheel.
2. Click Add Bookmark.
3. In the Auto Synchronize field, set how often the browser should check for updates to the web page.
4. In the Start time field, set the time of day when the browser should start checking for updates.
5. Click the trackwheel.
6. Click Add.
Make a web page available offline
When adding a bookmark, select the Available Offline check box.
If you visit the web page offline, the browser displays the information that was current the last time that you viewed the web page online.
Change a bookmark
1. On a web page, click the trackwheel.
2. Click Bookmarks.
3. Highlight a bookmark.
4. Click the trackwheel.
5. Click Edit Bookmark.
6. Change the bookmark.
7. Click the trackwheel.
8. Click Accept.
Forward a bookmark
1. In the bookmark list, highlight a bookmark.
2. Click the trackwheel.
3. Click Send Bookmark.
4. Click a message type.
To return to the browser after you send the message, press the Escape key.
Delete a bookmark
1. On a web page, click the trackwheel.
2. Click Bookmarks.
3. Highlight a bookmark.
4. Click the trackwheel.