Messaging now consists of pictures, text, and voicemail capabilities. Picture
messages can be sent to another picture message capable phone or an email
address. Picture messages can also contain text, pictures, and a voice
Text messaging allows you to send text messages to another text messaging
capable phone.
Text Messaging
Using Text Messaging
With Text Messaging, you can use a person’s wireless phone number to send
instant text messages from your web enabled phone to their messaging-ready
phone – and they can send messages to you. When you receive a new
message, you’ll automatically be notified with a one-way text message.
In addition, messaging includes a variety of pre-set messages, such as “I’m
running late, I’m on my way,” that make composing messages fast and easy.
The following folders are available:
ⅷ Send Message - Allows you to create and send a new text
ⅷ Inbox - allows you to view email messages in the Inbox.
ⅷ Outbox - contains a copy of outgoing messages.
ⅷ Web MSG - allows you to review a new web message.
ⅷ Saved - allows you to store saved messages.
ⅷ Erase MSG - allows you to delete messages stored in the any of
the folders listed above or all folders at once.
ⅷ MSG Settings - allows you to configure text messaging
To send a text message:
1. Press for Main Menu.
2. Press for Messaging.
3. Press for Text MSG.
4. Press for Send Message